Section: Dissemination


Participants : Nikos Paragios, Iasonas Kokkinos.

  • Master : Introduction to Signal Processing, 36, M1, Ecole Centrale de Paris, France [I. Kokkinos]

  • Master : Introduction to Computer Vision, 36, M1, Ecole Centrale de Paris, France [I. Kokkinos]

  • Master : Pattern Recognition, 24, M2, Ecole Centrale de Paris/Ecole Normale Superieure-Cachan, France [I. Kokkinos]

  • Master : Advanced Mathematical Models in Computer Vision, 24, M2, Ecole Centrale de Paris/Ecole Normale Superieure-Cachan, France [N. Paragios]

N. Paragios is in charge of the option Medical Imaging, Machine Learning and Computer Vision at the Department of Applied Mathematics of Ecole Centrale de Paris. This option consists of 6 classes in the above mentioned fields, 180 hours of teaching and is associated with the M.Sc. (M2) program of the ENS-Cachan in Applied Mathematics, Machine Learning and Computer Vision.

  • PhD: Daniel Pescia[7] , Segmentation des tumeurs du foie sur des images de scanner CT, Ecole Centrale de Paris, 15/01/2011, Nikos Paragios

  • PhD: Aristeidis Sotiras [9] , Discrete Image Registration: a Hybrid Paradigm, Ecole Centrale de Paris, 6/11/2011, Nikos Paragios

  • PhD: Chaohui Wang[11] , Distributed and Higher-Order Graphical Models: towards Segmentation, Tracking, Matching and 3D Model Inference, Ecole Centrale de Paris, 29/09/2011, Nikos Paragios